The Blondies’ breakfast and Riley’s problem

Eating with Cow Mau.

It is very, very hard to get Riley to eat. She’s so clever in all other areas except in eating. I don’t know if she still has to eat upstairs, but it’s a bit of a problem for me if she insists on eating only upstairs.

Riley came to eat with the Blondies, but only a little bit.

When she first came, she was living upstairs, so all her meals were served upstairs. That somehow stuck as a habit and she doesn’t want to eat anywhere else but upstairs, I think?

If anywhere else, she will only eat a little bit. So she would be eating a little bit several times a day, which is also a problem since everyone else only eats twice a day now except for the Super Seniors who get 3-4 meals a day.

There is a slight improvement in the litter box training this morning. The empty boxes in the room were used. Let’s hope more improvement follows in the days, weeks and months to come!





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