Last night, at about 8.30pm, the vet texted to say Gerald’s fever had normalised to 39 degrees. That was after he was given the anti-inflammatory jab. It was a small mercy that the fever had come down, because the bigger question is what was causing the fever to fluctuate and we still did not know how bad the newly-discovered bad leg wound is.
This morning, we went to visit as soon as the clinic opened.
Gerald did not want to eat on his own, so I fed him some canned food and chicken gizzards.
The vet arrived late and informed me that this morning, Gerald’s temperature spiked to 40.5 degrees again. Oh dear…
The shoulder wound feels a little fluidy already around the bite spot, so the vet plans to extract some fluids from there and send it for culture to determine what kind of bacteria it is infected with. This extraction can be done without any sedation. But Gerald will be given painkillers.
Despite being on two antibiotics which covers the range of bacteria, Gerald does not seem to be getting better. The back leg wound is actually a paw wound, between the digits (please see photo below). It is already ulcerated. We must have failed to notice it earlier on, or it only started festering later.
This is the paw wound; it needs cleaning.
Gerald is still alert and of course, meowing.
We had to come back because we had to fetch Jayden from school, so we will only visit tomorrow. The vet will update me with any news.
Poor Gerald. Please get well soon.