Cat therapy at home

I was down and out with food poisoning since lunch until this evening. The culprit was Thai food. So, no more, please.

When I get food poisoning, I get it really bad. It will start with giddiness and nausea (exactly like motion sickness), followed by severe vomitting and the works.

So the moment I started getting giddy and nauseated, I told husband to quickly take me home. Luckily we reached home before the vomiting began. I took two charcoal tablets, had to lie down and prop my legs really high (almost at 60 degrees – that’s to get the blood flowing back to the brain) and just breathed….

It normally takes hours before the giddiness and nausea dissipate.

Ginger water helped. Bentong ginger is even better.

And while lying down, I was still texting as there were two urgent cases that needed assistance. A lot of AnimalCare work is behind the scenes and many cannot be reported because they are personal and private unless I have the person’s consent to share their story for educational purposes. Otherwise, their privacy would have to be respected.

At while I was lying immobile, trying my best not to vomit, guess who gave me pet therapy?

Yes, Juno, Riley and Tabs!

Your pets will always know when you are unwell and they will do their best to help you in ways that they can.

After I was able to get up and walk, Juno and Riley were my bodyguards.

Just imagine if all our indoor cats were inside the house, I might have had 13 cats on the bed with me!








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