Month: October 2023
Jayden’s safari viewing!
I let Jayden go out to the porch to help me feed Gerald, Misty and Creamy, but when it comes to Ginger’s Catio, it is better he stays behind the screen doors to view. It is not that the Monsters would attack him (definitely not!). On the contrary, he might spook the Monsters and disrupt…
Dora spayed, Tuff eats (updates from Imm’s Shelter)
Further updates from Judy: Dora has been spayed now. The vet decided to do it since she was knocked out with the dart. Good call. Tuff has started eating, which is a good sign. Yesterday, he looked so pale, Imm thought he wouldn’t even survive. We hope he pulls through. Rescued in the nick of…
Dora finally caught (updates from Imm’s Shelter)
Judy updated that Dora has finally been caught just now. They used the help of a darter and of course, their friend assisted in following Dora until she fell. Their friend followed Dora. Dora and all her friends ran into this gated orchard when she was darted. The friend had to climb over the gate…
Thank you very much (October 2023 donors)
As always we would like to express our deepest gratitude to all donors, especially those who have topped up their donations this month. Without your kind and generous continued support, it would be very difficult for us to continue helping these dedicated caregivers who ensure that the street animals out there get enough to eat…
Tuff and Phantom caught, finally! (updates from Imm’s Shelter)
Judy shared an update: Imm managed to catch Tuff n Phantom this evening. Vet will fetch them to his clinic tmrw. Imm said Tuff looked unwell. Am glad he’s caught so hopefully can recover at the vet. The vet said Tuff looked very pale. Suspect tick fever. Imm fears Tuff might not make it as…
Turkey tail mushroom supplement for canine cancer (a sharing by Yim Soi Chee)
My dear friend, Soi Chee is a dog and cat rescuer. This is a sharing about Fei Fei, one of her dogs. Fei Fei has cancer (lymphoma). Before her, Soi Chee already had three more dogs who had cancer. So sadly, canine cancer is nothing new to Soi Chee. She keeps doing rigorous research on…
Educating Riley or Respecting Riley? (more reflections on raw food for cats)
Educating Riley would mean being strict in converting her back to a 100% raw diet. Respecting Riley would mean I respect that she likes junk and canned food and let her eat what she wants because she knows better. Today, I’m too tired of educate Riley, so it’s “Happy Days are Here Again” for our…
The Blondies’ breakfast today
Today was a Kai-buy-lottery day! Kai ate heaps! My observation is correct; every two days Kai will eat to her stomach’s fill and heart’s content! Akira too has been eating very well these days and she no longer needs any kibble as enticement or catalyst to start her off. Cubgrub helps, though, and that’s a…
Porch Cats stories
Creamy was here today, so as usual, it always starts with a slight scuffle between Misty and him. Misty isn’t too fond of Creamy, unfortunately. Gerald has decided that they will have raw food mixed with some tasty canned food. Oh well…Gerald calls the shots for everyone. If not for this, Misty and Creamy are…
Honouring our angels – never to be forgotten
The Mexicans believe that we must not forget those who have left us. It is their practice to talk about their deceased ancestors and pass down all these stories to the next generation. I’ll like to honour our angels too and these are not all of them. Except for Rio, I have not included the…
Thank you very much, Huey and Wah
We have now migrated to the new service provider, YeahHost. We would like to express our utmost gratitude to Huey and Wah, the couple who first came to me from Penang so many years ago, to offer to re-do and set up a nice functional blog for us, FOC. Later, they sponsored our domain and…
We have migrated!
The blog feels so different and there are all kinds of new features, so yes, I think we have successfully migrated to the new service provider and server now! Please do give us some time to learn these new features and forgive us if there are shortcomings. This is a test post.
Is the grass greener over there?
Whenever I’m doing work at the computer or even when I’m not, Tabs and Riley like to sit here. Sometimes, they will be sleeping and sometimes they are looking at the goings-on at Ginger’s Catio. Is the grass greener on the other side, girls? No!! We would rather stay here where it is safe! Not…
Best friends in the porch
Misty has given up her throne for Gerald. These two are the very best of friends. An exemplary relationship that we humans can learn from!
Who is left behind in the wrong place?
I let the Monsters come over to eat grass today. And I decided to keep Stargate open to see if they would know how to go back on their own. And should a fright break out, at least there is more “space” to run! Smurfy is still hungry!! He’s eating up Indy’s leftover kibble. That’s…