Month: March 2024
Indy is alert and drinks Japanese milk
Indy is getting more alert. I gave him another dose of Sucralfate (it is to coat the stomach to patch up any bleeds) and decided to try some Glucolin water. I was surprised that he didn’t mind it at all. So I tried some Japanese milk and Indy didn’t object, he swallowed all of it,…
Indy wakes up from the morphine
Indy was given a small dose of morphine at the vet’s so that he could sleep comfortably under sedation. After about five hours, Indy woke up! The oxygen concentrator arrived at 3pm, earlier than expected. The delivery man was so kind, he rushed it over. Ming-Yi and I immediately installed it and we could see…
Keeping vigil beside Indy
The Blondies and I are keeping vigil beside Indy now. Indy is sleeping quietly. His breathing is regular and not laboured at all. He is at peace. This probably did not happen suddenly. But Indy showed absolutely no signs. However, at Stage 4 CKD, there really is nothing more we could do. I requested enough…
Indy’s sudden downturn
Indy suddenly vomited blood this morning. He wasn’t happy with breakfast and subcut. After that, he vomited blood three times. I rushed him to the vet’s. His kidney readings are all off the roof and he is very, very anaemic, with an HCT reading of only 6.4%, which is the lowest I’ve ever seen in…
Thank you very much (March 2024 donors)
The claims are picking up this month and that’s a good sign. However, we would just like to gently remind all applicants to please read the policies in its entirety before making an application so that there are no misunderstandings later on. We would also be very grateful if all applicants would understand that we…
Please do not kill off street dogs, MBSA
We read with grave concern, the decision and plans of the MBSA council: We strongly appeal to MBSA to reconsider their plans and opt for neutering and returning to colony under the care of feeders in the area. Street dogs are only there because they have no where else to go. Some of them…
Putin was lost for three weeks (but is now safely home)
Ref: Putin is not only an FIP survivor (using the human-grade drug, Molnupiravir), his owner told me that Putin was lost for THREE whole weeks recently. Luckily she has a cat chat group with the surrounding residents and she sent out the alert. A kind resident found Putin in a different apartment area, rescued…
The Blondies, after the war
I guess the war made them hungry. Only Indra was too busy to eat this morning. Later, I managed to make her eat canned food (well, at least it’s wet food and not kibble). So now, two Blondies know how to eat canned food – Kai and Indra. A well-deserved rest after the big war…
Indy wants to be fed?
Indy shows interest in food, but I think he wants to be fed. I’ll just continue to feed him three times a day if that’s what he wants. He’s otherwise very alert.
The Blondie Army vs Rey
This morning, there was a horrendous earth-shattering shrieking war at Stargate. When I rushed out to check, it was Rey. He had scaled up Stargate, with four sets of claws clutching onto the netting, waging a war with Samantha who was on the platform over on her side. I quickly stopped the war before it…
Putin’s updates (the formerly scrawny FIP cat treated with Molnupiravir)
Ref: I dropped into my friend’s shop to visit Putin this afternoon and was so pleasantly surprised to see how well Putin looks now. Take a look at him! Putin was rescued last year, diagnosed with FIP, thin, scrawny and weak. His vet recommended Molnupiravir instead of the popular GS441524 (injectables and oral). My…
Our last Cow bites
Ming-Yi showed me her last Cow Mau bite. I have one too, at exactly the same spot on the left hand. And remember the terrible Cow bite I got in December 2023 which turned real bad and I had to go to the clinic daily for dressing? And an over-enthusiastic doctor almost wanted to cut…
Finally….Indy eats by himself!!
The magic finally happened this evening!! Slowly, slowly….sniff, sniff, sniff….and then he started eating!! I have waited six long days for this to happen! Indy didn’t eat very much, but the fact that he even ate by himself is a very, very good start!
Tabs and Riley
So little is written about Tabs and Riley because these two girls seldom have any drama to write about! When Indy refused to eat the Primal Freeze-Dried, I gave it to Tabs. This used to be her favourite food until she was diagnosed with PKD/CKD and since then, had to be on a kidney diet…
Creamy came again
Creamy came this morning and there was no peace. Earlier on, I had already heard Gerald mewing but the sound was nearby, so I didn’t expect to see Creamy. Normally when Creamy has come to the porch, Gerald would be mewing nonstop far away. I fed Creamy and Misty barely ate. Where was Gerald? I…