Month: January 2025
Bracing ourselves for the next night of the “war zone”
We were at the park this morning and had the sheer pleasure of sitting quietly and peacefully watching so many different types of birds flying around from tree to tree. It made me think of what the birds had to go through the nights before when those firecrackers people lit up and converted the park…
Thank you very much (January 2025 donors)
This month’s neutering and vaccination aid is the lowest ever given out since we started in 2009. Perhaps it is due to the start of the year where everyone is busy or some were busy getting ready to celebrate Chinese New Year. But it is a known fact that the cost of living is really…
Gerald, Creamy and the “war zone”
Last night, I didn’t manage to get Gerald back on time before the playground in front of our house was turned into a “war zone” with that one family lighting up fire crackers and fireworks. I could only hope that Gerald was hiding somewhere safe. The noise was thunderous, so loud that we could not…
Our neighbourhood – a “war zone”
Last night was terrible. Our otherwise peaceful neighbourhood was turned into a “war zone” because of fireworks and fire crackers. Every year, it would be this same family doing it. But what can we do? This government legalised it. Under previous governments, I could call the police and they would actually come around albeit very…
What is ophidiophobia?
Again, this post is related to this year’s Chinese New Year, being the year of the Wood Snake. But before that, allow me to give you a very quick definition of “phobia”. A phobia is an anxiety disorder; it is an intense, irrational, and persistent fear of a specific object, situation, or activity. People with…
Did you know that poop is “fortune” to the olden-day Chinese?
My friend just shared something cultural with me this morning. She’s schooled in Chinese tradition, so she really knows what she is talking about. This banana has lots to learn! So she shared with me that in olden-day China, poop (yes, faeces) is considered very “fortunate” and if children went to their neighbours’ house to…
Common sense comes first
Happy Chinese New Year, folks! Wishing all of you good health, happiness and an abundance of opportunities to do good! Every Chinese New Year I am reminded of how wise my maternal dragon-hearted grandmother was. There was one Chinese New Year where we were at her house and I broke a glass. The glass crashed…
Gong Xi Fa Cai 2025!
Snacks for our cats!
I’ve loaded up on snacks for our cats! Ocean Eyes is from Fur/Ball. Our cats absolutely love it. There was a CNY discount recently, so I bought some. And our cats are absolutely crazy over Cindy’s Puffz too. The first ingredient is maize, but it also contains meat and I think they just love the…
Hello Smokey
When Creamy and Smokey’s owners were away, Smokey kept visiting the Blondies. It seemed like Smokey wanted to join the Blondies as she was trying to find a way to get into Bunny’s Place. Our backyard catio will forever be named Bunny’s Place because we built it when we first moved here with our seven…
Fate is finally neutered (an update from Ong Siew Hiang)
Fate was rescued by Ms Ong (who manages a dog shelter) in April 2023. She was found by the roadside and would become Ms Ong’s first cat…ever! The rescue of Fate: We’ve advised Ms Ong to get Fate neutered earlier, but it’s been delayed until now. She’s back home and doing very well. A…
Gerald’s “rain sensor” and Creamy’s updates
Does Gerald have a “rain sensor”? I certainly hope so. On two occasions, he has asked to be let into the house and about an hour later, it rained, quite heavily too. I’m so glad he knows when he should come into the house for shelter. He sure knows how to enjoy the luxuries in…
This CNY, please keep your animals safe
I know that “Saying NO to Fireworks” is going to fall on deaf eyes of those who don’t care about animals and the environment. Why, it might even incur their wrath as I did last year when I made a plea to my neighbourhood. So, all the best to those who still hope that the…
Sweet Juno and Robin’s updates
Juno is, by far, the most obedient (and possibly smartest) cat we’ve ever had. Every morning, she waits for her probiotic. Can you believe that? And this morning, she even licked the powder before I could mix it with some Ciao treat. Unbelievable!! While the Blondies will run for their lives if they see me…
The crisis of the urban sprawl
Something for all of us to think about, especially in view of many festive seasons coming up, one after another: Some excerpts: The cost of urban sprawl The ecological toll of urban sprawl is devastating. Forests are cleared, green lungs are destroyed and natural habitats are obliterated. Each time we hear of a tiger…