Category: Stories (Kah Yein’s)

  • Cat therapy at home

    I was down and out with food poisoning since lunch until this evening. The culprit was Thai food. So, no more, please. When I get food poisoning, I get it really bad. It will start with giddiness and nausea (exactly like motion sickness), followed by severe vomitting and the works. So the moment I started…

  • Juno chooses the bathroom!

    Little Juno wanted a room of her own, so she chose the bathroom! She has been bringing her toys in putting them in the shower area. She even wants to eat in the bathroom and often, she can be found sleeping there too. She has established her own daily schedule where first thing every morning,…

  • Ginger to the vet’s (CKD maintained at Stage 1)

    Today was Ginger’s check-up at the vet’s. I was, again, quite nervous about it. On the way to the vet’s. The short version: Ginger is okay! His CKD is maintained at Stage 1. He has some lung issues, and he has to lose weight! The long version: Here are Ginger’s kidney readings: Creatinine 98 Urea…

  • Happy Meatless Sunday!

    Today’s brunch contains garlic, ginger (with skin), broccoli stalks, spinach, carrot, pumpkin, green capsicum, tomato, goji berry and green jackfruit powder. No oil, just water. Bon Appetit! Have a lovely meatless meal. Let’s do it for the animals!

  • Riley, please learn from Juno

    I have totally succeeded in adding water to the Blondies’ kibble now. There’s no turning back from this, I hope! But it remains a huge challenge with Riley. Juno is willing to eat soaked kibble, but not Riley. She walks away when her bowl is wet. Even a wet bowl turns her off, imagine that!…

  • Creamy and Gerald

    Creamy is so proud of his collar! He came for breakfast this morning and called me from the front door! I think the collar has given him a new sense of confidence. Gerald, on the other hand, is not happy if I bring him into Bunny’s Room. This morning, I thought he wanted to come…

  • Naughty, naughty Robin!

    Our vet suggested blending Robin’s urinary pouch food for him so that he can lick up the blended food instead of having to pick up the “biji-biji”. So I blended one pouch and guess what? It was a completely failure!! Oh well, we would not have known unless we tried and I did and failed!…

  • Have a healthy meatless day!

    I really like two youtube doctors who talk about health: Dr Jason Fung and Dr William Li. Here’s an article that might be useful to all of us:…/foods-may-decrease-risk-cancer/ A tip I learnt yesterday: Always eat the whole food, not juices, not even smoothies and probably not powders. Eat the whole food. Reason: The sugar…

  • Where were you all morning, Gerald?

    I woke up at 3.30am this morning and could not get back to sleep. So I went downstairs to read some news and get some work done. But Gerald did not come. That was really strange. Normally and almost always, he would come the moment I wake up, regardless of the time. And he would…

  • Taking care of ourselves for the sake of our animals (the liver – my appointment today)

    My big moment of truth was this morning when I went to see the top internationally-renowned specialist and researcher in fatty liver. I made the appointment two months ago. Prior to the appointment, I had written out my entire medical history for the professor and compiled all my blood test readings. The good doctor took…

  • Happy Meatless Thursday!

    This delicious meatless meal is from Le Food. Happy Meatless Thursday! Let’s do it for the animals!

  • The cause of Gerald’s incessant yowling identified!!

    Breaking news, folks! We now know why Gerald yowls incessantly and persistently!! The cause of his yowling is…. …me. Yes, it’s me. Gerald yowls or mews just to get my attention. And he’s super persistent in doing it. He wants my attention solely for himself. So, just get rid of me and the yowling will…

  • Happy animals in the neighbourhood

    I was talking a walk this morning in the neighbourhood as I do almost every morning and took these photos. Here is someone’s cat sleeping peacefully on someone’s car parked by the roadside. As long as neighbours are tolerant, there will be peace. This cat is wearing a collar. I do want to let Gerald…

  • Tabs to the vet’s (follow-up on PCKD)

    Backstory: According to the vet, Tabs has probably had PKD (polycystic kidney disease) all her life (they are normally born with it) but since all her blood tests during earlier years showed normal kidney readings, no ultrasound was done. It was only in December 2023 that a routine blood test suddenly showed elevated an creatinine…

  • Robin to the vet’s (follow-up on cystitis)

    I took Tabs and Robin for their follow-up this morning. This blogpost is about Robin first. The backstory: On 22nd January 2025, I rushed Robin to the vet’s because he was straining to urinate. Straining to urinate is always a medical emergency. Thankfully, he wasn’t blocked at all. So he was prescribed medication, a supplement…